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大家在看流放?姑奶奶看上你们的江山了 真千金被读心后,人设崩了 快穿:变美后,我赢麻了 权臣家的仵作娘子 师妹用丹炉煮白粥,馋哭隔壁宗门 我在诡秘世界封神 海贼之建立海贼家族 不装了,霍总每天都想复婚 蜉蝣小散修! 笑死!霍少爬她床被萌宝踹开了 
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第70章 哑书 The Dumb Book

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《哑书》,1851 年

the dumb book, 1851


In the high-road which led through a wood stood a solitary farm-house; the road, in fact, ran right through its yard.


the sun was shining and all the windows were open; within the house people were very busy.


In the yard, in an arbour formed by lilac bushes in full bloom, stood an open coffin; thither they had carried a dead man, who was to be buried that very afternoon.


Nobody shed a tear over him; his face was covered over with a white cloth, under his head they had placed a large thick book, the leaves of which consisted of folded sheets of blotting-paper, and withered flowers lay between them; it was the herbarium which he had gathered in various places and was to be buried with him, according to his own wish.


Every one of the flowers in it was connected with some chapter of his life.

“死者是谁?” 我们问道。

“who is the dead man?” we asked.

“那个老学生,” 有人回答说。“他们说他曾经是个精力充沛的年轻人,学习过古代语言,还唱歌,甚至创作了很多歌曲;后来他遭遇了一些变故,结果就身心都沉溺于饮酒了。当他最终搞垮了自己的身体后,他们就把他带到了乡下,在那里有人为他支付食宿费用。只要他不陷入阴郁的情绪,他就温顺得像个孩子;但一旦情绪低落,他就会变得很凶,力大如巨人,在树林里跑来跑去,就像一只被追赶的鹿。”

“the old student,” was the reply. “they say that he was once an energetic young man, that he studied the dead languages, and sang and even posed many songs; then something had happened to him, and in consequence of this he gave himself up to drink, body and mind. when at last he had ruined his health, they brought him into the country, where someone paid for his board and residence. he was gentle as a child as long as the sullen mood did not e over him; but when it came he was fierce, became as strong as a giant, and ran about in the wood like a chased deer.


but when we succeeded in bringing him home, and prevailed upon him to open the book with the dried-up plants in it, he would sometimes sit for a whole day looking at this or that plant, while frequently the tears rolled over his cheeks.


God knows what was in his mind; but he requested us to put the book into his coffin, and now he lies there.


In a little while the lid will be placed upon the coffin, and he will have sweet rest in the grave!”

盖在他脸上的布被掀开了;死者的脸上露出安详的神情 —— 一道阳光洒在上面。

the cloth which covered his face was lifted up; the dead man’s face expressed peace — a sunbeam fell upon it.


A swallow flew with the swiftness of an arrow into the arbour, turning in its flight, and twittered over the dead man’s head.

翻阅我们年轻时的旧信件,这是一种多么奇怪的感觉啊 —— 我们肯定都有过这种感觉 —— 仿佛一种不同的生活从过去浮现出来,带着所有的希望和悲伤。

what a strange feeling it is — surely we all know it — to look through old letters of our young days; a different life rises up out of the past, as it were, with all its hopes and sorrows.

在那些日子里,我们曾经亲密无间的许多人,在我们看来仿佛已经去世了,然而他们还活着 —— 只是我们已经很久没有想起他们了,我们曾以为会永远把他们留在记忆里,与他们分享每一份喜悦和悲伤。

how many of the people with whom in those days we used to be on intimate terms appear to us as if dead, and yet they are still alive — only we have not thought of them for such a long time, whom we imagined we should retain in our memories for ever, and share every joy and sorrow with them.


the withered oak leaf in the book here recalled the friend, the schoolfellow, who was to be his friend for life.


he fixed the leaf to the student’s cap in the green wood, when they vowed eternal friendship.


where does he dwell now? the leaf is kept, but the friendship does no longer exist.


here is a foreign hothouse plant, too tender for the gardens of the North. It is almost as if its leaves still smelt sweet! She gave it to him out of her own garden — a nobleman’s daughter.

这里有一朵他亲手采摘的睡莲,曾用咸涩的泪水浇灌过 —— 一朵淡水百合。

here is a water-lily that he had plucked himself, and watered with salt tears — a lily of sweet water.


And here is a nettle: what may its leaves tell us? what might he have thought when he plucked and kept it?


here is a little snowdrop out of the solitary wood; here is an 常绿植物 from the flower-pot at the tavern; and here is a simple blade of grass.

丁香花把它清新芬芳的花朵垂在死者的头上;燕子又飞过去了 ——“叽叽,叽叽”;现在人们拿着锤子和钉子来了,棺盖被盖在了死者身上,而他的头枕在那本哑书上 —— 这本被长久珍视的书,如今永远合上了!

the lilac bends its fresh fragrant flowers over the dead man’s head; the swallow passes again— “twit, twit;” now the men e with hammer and nails, the lid is placed over the dead man, while his head rests on the dumb book — so long cherished, now closed for ever!

上一章目 录下一章存书签
站内强推暗河长明 退下,让朕来 重生:权势巅峰 宋檀记事 真千金被读心后,人设崩了 早安!三国打工人 我的弟子全是大帝之资 我在异世封神 开局仙帝修为,我的势力遍诸天 全民大荒:开局SSS级天赋 系统炸了,我成了系统 杀怪百分百爆率,你跟我比幸运? 赌石之财色无双 是谁让仙女们怀孕的! 鉴宝金瞳 无限轮回,我用刀斩破诸天万界 截教扫地仙的诸天修行 嘿,妖道 最强血脉,孩子多点不过分吧? 老爹绑我去当兵,全军求我当教官 
经典收藏爹爹开门,我带剧本来救全家了 小师妹明明超强却过分沙雕 流放?姑奶奶看上你们的江山了 小师妹生来反骨,女主掉坑她埋土 喂!叫你做年代文炮灰没叫你虐渣 恶婆婆重生后,全家崩剧情了 快穿:我靠打工成为人上人 快穿年代:暖意的悠闲人生 末世女穿越年代的肆意生活 空间小农女 快穿我在综影视刷绩效 快穿:在古早狗血文里兴风作浪 救命,被禁欲老公撩得脸红耳赤 星际生育困难,我一胎生了俩 流放王妃靠种田造反 快穿之从七零年代开始 流放我就养相公造反怎么了 忍界直播:剧情名场面 思维逆天,完美案件逼疯全球侦探 福宝公主带万亿物资助父皇统天下 
最近更新精彩修仙传 海贼世界的自由人 晚年被老婆分手,我打造最强家族 悬案册,云隐市追凶实录! 原始至尊化修罗 崩铁:世一剑,从星核猎手开始 玄学大佬下山,成团宠很合理吧 吃瓜上位,我成了暴君的唯一信仰 老实修仙,但他们都说我欠了情债 四合院:分家是你,你羡慕啥? 神尊大人又跪搓衣板啦 再入轮回护我妻 我弃爱你慌啥?废柴女逆袭仙途 被读心后,满朝文武瑟瑟发抖 你贩剑我断情,大师姐带飞新宗门 穿越到星际时代谈恋爱 惹她?她SSSSS级玄学小祖宗 碧蓝档案里的明日之劫 傅爷快掉马,夫人嫁的是你啊! 原神:在下渡劫期修士 
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